Sunday 13 September 2015

Must Heart Zushi

I woke up somewhere between 730 and 8. Way too early for me on a holiday that's for sure. With the on/off rain that I saw on the weather forecast I'm thinking that days to go to the beach are numbered.

I plan to recreate as many of my good memories as possible, and probably the "goodest"memory of all were my day trips to Zushi beach.

Looking out the window the sky appeared clear, but by the time we left the apartment the overcast clouds were mocking and taunting me.

As the train was getting closer I saw that the streets were still wet from rain that must've fallen not long ago. My heart was sinking a little thinking this trip might be wasted.

My spirits lifted when we arrived on the sand. There were actually other people there! Not packed but still a lot of bathers and windsurfers. I wasted no time and immediately went into the water. It was quite windy but the water wasn't cold and I didn't want to ever get out.

Zushi apparently banned drinking alcohol (and loud music) on the beach a year or so ago, but I brought along two cans of chuhi. Nothing was going to get in the way of my memories.

On the way back we walked around Yokohama. I noticed here to a few things have changed. Funnily enough an old UFO catcher place closed down, and in the same building Ishibashi moved in! I saw a cool perspex strat that wanted me to buy it, and another Steinberger that wasn't too expensive, but my will is good for now.

We looked around Shibuya too. I checked out a few of my old haunts. For dinner we had some burritos from the newly opened Taco Bell in Dogenzaka. For some reason it sadly wasn't as good as the Taco Bell we had in Guam.

I was still a bit hungry so we walked a little further to another favourite sushi place where they make the BEST avocado maki. What's a real pain is this place is doing a dirty trick of listing the menu price without the tax. WTF! This isn't New York!

I think Japan is trying to give me new reasons to dislike the place again :(